Fıeld schools
OKTAA / 2015
The project for FIELD SCHOOLS is designed for supporting the community based organizations in the local regions of tropical savanna territory of Africa. With it is building components the project offers to start the interaction between unemployed population (in construction) and local authorities. In the construction process of the school unemployed locals will be trained in the manufacture of stabilized earth and shading components.
For this reason the project offers variation of natural materials according to different regions such as reeds, branches, timber, earth, cob, bamboo which would easily be obtained, processed and manufactured by the local people. The tropical savanna climate was decisive in design process. For the year round high temperatures and preventing perpendicular lights of the sun shadow and semi shadow areas are created in the courtyard playground. According to the needs it is optional to use wind generators positioning to the strongest possible wind.
The heavy rainy summer season of tropical savanna climate become and adventage for rainwater storage. Grey water is also used as a renewable water source in toilets. The project’s green design strategies stresses the vulnerability of the local ecology.
The pyramidal mud huts of vernacular African architecture was an inspiration for the project. Taking the inspiration from the vernacular architecture, the flat top pyramidal roofs respond both to heavy rainy summer season, provide passive ventilation and generate electricity with photovoltaic panels.